Saturday, January 7, 2012

Latest Update

Greetings.  And thank you for your support as you share in the journey that is "Being Kathy Dorn."
We haven't posted anything in a month, which has mostly meant good news.  Kathy's 7 December Days of chemo were finished on the 28th.  Her last transfusion was the 23rd, so some stabilization seems to be happening some of the time.  Today, her hemoglobin just dipped below 8 (the threshold for a transfusion) and her platelets and white blood count are always low, but usually a bit above the critically low mark.
Thus, she was strong enough to sew some Christmas presents (we finally celebrated with the kids and grandkids on Jan. 2) and fully intended to use her next energy hours to share more thoughts on this site.  However....
What I have been referring to as "digestive issues" (I became quite accustomed to hearing that I was full of "&#!t" during my political years, but I hesitated to say Kathy was also full of it until the Dr. confirmed it) have made Kathy more and more miserable over the last 10 days or so.  So after trying more and more powerful over the counter remedies, we finally capitulated and headed to Urgent Care yesterday afternoon (the 6th) around 4:30.  By 6:30 they had wheelchaired her to the ER, and by 9:30 she was back on the 5th floor at ISJ-Mayo.  A CAT scan revealed diverticulitis (inflammation, pressure on the system that could trigger a very dangerous leak).  So she is receiving antibiotics and hoping for relief.  It could be a few days, it could be more than a few.  
At least she has been fever-free the last 47 days, and at least being in the hospital isn't all bad news.  She is in good spirits between cramping spasms that she refers to as "contractions" (she is not one to exaggerate pain--her dentist can't believe her refusals to use Novocain).  And, with a bit of luck, these digestive issues, too, shall pass.
Be well.  Enjoy each day as best you can.


  1. Hi Kathy and John--Good to hear you had a bit of a respite and got to sew and see the grand babies. May 2012 bring many continuous respites. You are always in my prayers and meditations.
    Diverticulitus? I think another famous democrat had that. Lyndon Johnson, I believe. May it heal and pass quickly.
    Blessings and Love--Linda Carole

  2. It was so good to hear from you. I check every day. I am glad that you had a good holiday. I hope the digestive problems heal fast. Take care and I send you all my love. Love you, Anne McQuaid

  3. Hi Kathy--Great blog entries! Such writing talent and such wisdom. Did I ever tell you that I always thought of you and Maryetta as reincarnations of Betsy and Tacy especially since you lived on a big hill.

    The bone marrow route sounds well thought through. Of course, my thoughts and prayers are with you. The U of M will take good care of you. They really do have the expertise in transplants. Rest up and get strong and summer will be a healing time.

    Blessings and love,--Linda Carole
