Monday, December 5, 2011

Fill 'er up!

I had my Monday blood draw this a.m. and my platelet count had dropped to 9, so off we went to Camp Dracula for another refill.  This time we super-sized it -- hold the fries -- so the little buggers start feeling more at home and stick around.

We see so many people we know during our frequent visits to the clinic and hospital.  We've also met many others who are becoming our friends.  It would be nice to have a party and invite them all, but they wouldn't be able to come because they're too sick.  Dang!  Now that's a dilemma.

This is Eliza Schoeneberger, Megan's almost two-year-old.  She brought her brother's hats (two of them), gloves and shoes to Mommy for help putting them on.  The defining accessory, though, is the Mr. Potato Head eyewear.  Is Project Runway in her future?

Here's our little fashionista just hangin' out.


  1. Too, too, too cute!!!! I'll bet Santa can't wait to get to her house!!! I heard he loves little girls and their brothers -- even the naughty ones -- as if --k

  2. Loved the pictures of the girls. Kathy,you must look like a pin cushion after all the sticks. Bless you. Take care, Love you loads, Anne McQuaid

  3. It is SO good hearing from you! And seeing your lovely face (even hooked up and covered with blankets). Your tribute to John made me cry. I wondered how those clothes were getting outside on the line! I hope you are feeling up to doing more writing - you have such a talent with words. You are fighting the good fight and setting an example for us all! Thank you! Blessings and prayers, Kay

  4. I very much enjoyed your updates Kathy. I'm so glad to hear you've tolerated the chemo well and your energy level is higher. Thanks to John for the photo in chemo bay-you look good! Your tribute to John and his care was so touching-you are blessed to have one another! Many great quotations too. I like the one of life is one damn thing over and over! The mystery is how we never figure it out!Sending love and hugs your way and all wishes for healing. judy

  5. Kathy it is good to hear from you. Was thinking of you today as I was quilting. You are so lucky to have John. Those grandkids are darling. You are in my prayers everyday.Blessings and prayers. Joyce

  6. Hi Kathy,
    Malcolm and I saw Eliza with her dad at Hy-Vee last week-end. I saw her in one of those big carts that are like toy cars, and thought that baby looks familiar! Then I realized I'd seen her picture on Facebook and knew she was Megan and Troy's darling!

    Again, appreciate your candid picture of dealing with cancer and your gratitude for John's tender care. Made me cry. Hugs. Mary O.
